Scoba Investigations assists organizations with concerns about fraud, corruption, money laundering, privacy concerns and other unlawful manners at work.

Partnership Disputes

Client & Trade Secrets Theft

Due Diligence Investigations

Risk Assessment

White Collar Crime

Pre-Employment Screening

Computer Forensics

Forensics Accountants

Electronic Office Debugging/Sweeps

Security Consultants

Video or Film Surveillance

Anti-Money Laundering

and other related investigations

Partnership Disputes

Unfortunately, disputes between partners can arise when in business. A partnership dispute can become one of the most bitter disputes you will ever experience. Fortunately, a partnership dispute can be avoided.

Video & Film Surveillance

Filming employees at work may violate their right to privacy. Many employers use cameras and video surveillance in the workplace, often to prevent theft or to monitor what employees are actually doing while on the clock. Employers must be very careful not to cross the line.

Due Diligence Investigations

When inquiring about new business acquisitions or mergers, investigations involving due diligence will help provide insight into a company’s full history.

Anti-Money Laundering

Regulatory and law enforcement scrutiny of money laundering is at an all-time high, and the government expects companies and financial institutions to do everything possible to prevent their financial systems from being used to facilitate crime.