Helicopter Assault Jim Shedd
Jim Shedd waiting for lift out of Sierra de Perija (Just can’t stay away from UH-1s). Above right: Jim Shedd at the 2005 174th AHC Annual Reunion. Interview by Attorney Luis Fernandez, WLRN
Jim Shedd waiting for lift out of Sierra de Perija (Just can’t stay away from UH-1s). Above right: Jim Shedd at the 2005 174th AHC Annual Reunion. Interview by Attorney Luis Fernandez, WLRN
“They’ve found paradise under the sun,” Jim Shedd, a former federal agent hired by Quri Wasi, says of organized Cuban rings. “They commit crimes with impunity.”
Former DEA spokesman Jim Shedd tells Local 10 News how Pablo Escobar had his future planned when he bought the now-demolished Miami Beach house in 1980.
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